Uncategorized AKA Non-Tech-Stuffs

My hair transplant in Istanbul Turkey at Natural clinic

Estimated read time 14 min read

For some years I was experiencing hair loss. After lots of research, I understood it is not a disease but a condition called Alopecia, which can be genetic, hereditary, and many other causes. However, after some serious research on my [Read More…]

Cloud Computing

My journey to AWS cloud practitioner – AWS IAM – Part 3

Estimated read time 4 min read

I have been through some theories and concepts again about AWS Cloud. I cannot write everything here as its very bulky. There are several courses available on the official AWS portal as well as on other third-party course providers like [Read More…]

Cloud Computing

My journey to AWS cloud practitioner – Account configurations – Part 2

Estimated read time 3 min read

If you came across my first blog post about My Journey to AWS Cloud Practioner – Refreshing my memory with AWS CLI, then I guess this one would interest you as well. In this article, we will see how to [Read More…]

Cloud Computing

My journey to AWS cloud practitioner – Refreshing my memory with AWS CLI – Part 1

Estimated read time 3 min read

Its been more than 6 years since I did not deep dive into the AWS cloud administration. I guess it is time for me to do it now. I decided to write as I am moving on to the path [Read More…]