Yeti, my Labrabull

Estimated read time 2 min read

Having a dog is a profound real-life experience and a valuable lesson. Beyond that, a dog provides an honest and loyal friendship. On February 19, 2024, I adopted Yeti from the New Fairfield-Sherman Shelter, and since then, I’ve learned so much. In just five months, I’ve met other dogs and people in the community, become more health-conscious about dog and human food, and gained experience in dog training and veterinary practices. This journey is very enriching.


Yeti at the age of 7 months
Yeti at the age of 7 months
  • I wrote an article on the process when I adopted Yeti from the shelter on this article Yeti, the Labrabull adopted from NFSAW.
  • GPS Tracking became something very important and I decided to get him a FI Collar. So far, he is ranked 3rd for the most active Labrabull on
  • Yeti has been enrolled in positive dog training at Petco in Danbury, CT. I greatly appreciate the trainer, Moises E., who has significantly helped both Yeti and me throughout this journey. In the past five months, Yeti has acquired and learned several skills, including:
    • Basic commands: Sit, Down, Stand, Leave it, Wait, Yeti(his name).
    • Released commands: Stay-okay, Heel
  • I started adding other commands in this education like Eat.
  • In June, Yeti was enrolled with coaching4paws to learn more advanced commands and improve his current skills. He is now learning additional skills like:
    • Place-Okay(release)
    • Come (Recall)
    • Heel
    • Stay-Okay
  • Additionally, I started teaching him to take a ball and drop it when required. (take-it/drop-it)