On 19 Feb 2024, I adopted Yeti from the New Fairfield / Sherman Animal Welfare Society (NFSAW). Working from home and having a dog keeping me company looks promising. So I just took the decision and thought that I needed a dog. At first, I was planning to buy, but what’s the point as many dogs need to be rescued every day!! Whilst checking on the NFSAW Facebook page, I saw Yeti and immediately fell in love with the puppy. The procedure was quite simple at the NFSAW. I met with the personnel on reaching there after informing them through their Facebook page. Enrollment was straightforward on their online system which took me roughly 5-10 minutes. When Yeti used to be 3 months old he weighted 25 Pounds, now he is 6 months old and weight 30 Pounds.
First week with Yeti

So Yeti was being fostered by someone in the locality. I went to the foster location, he was looking at me straight in the eye. I appreciate it, the foster guy told me there was some food that Yeti used to eat and he handed over to me a big bag of kibbles, cans of wet food, and some toys. Yeti hoped in the car and of course, the first day, he was kind of scared of his new environment. So I came home with a dog. I was overwhelmed myself seeing Yeti following me and wanted to be my friend right from day one.
Trust me, I started searching and documenting a lot about dogs. I could not stop telling myself there was not just myself in my apartment anymore. There is someone else and it’s a dog! I read somewhere when you bring a dog home, the most important thing is bonding with the dog first. I bathed Yeti. The first week, Yeti pooped inside on the floor. I was so mad but at the same time, I understood he needed training.
I could not believe a few days later, I got an email from the NFSAW thanking me for some donations after getting Yeti and I got access to an online portal with all the vaccination records and pending vaccinations. Every single detail was available. The place of origin from where Yeti came from i.e.; from Mississippi was also recorded alongside his records. Got his Microchip number and he was already neutered. Yeti came to me at the age of 3 months.
Bonding with my dog
As he was getting used to his new environment, I started bringing him into the neighborhood for a walk and also started showing him where he had to go potty. I was pretty impressed within 3-4 days he started picking up easily.

Although the guy likes the extended leash, I think it’s a mistake I made. After a few days, he chomped the leach into 2 pieces. Anyway, I got him another pair of leashes. But not an extended one this time.
Vaccination and my dog license
I brought him for his vaccinations and checkup which was roughly around 1 month lapse. As per the law, I registered myself for the dog license and got him his Pet Insurance.
Training and orientation
Another mistake I made was getting Yeti to sleep in my bedroom next to me. I believe that developed into separation anxiety which I’m still working on. Today Yeti is 6 months and working from home is not easy to train him to think that when I leave it is something normal.
I noticed a big change in him developing into being very friendly. When he does not have anything to do, he starts chewing and inventing his own game. That’s when I decided to bring him basic puppy training.
Within another 1 and a half months of training, Yeti already learning a lot. He learned his name. This was practiced by calling his name making sure he maintained eye contact and rewarding him. Learning to sit when being told to sit. Other commands like “Down”, “Stand” and “Walk”. Another command that he does perfectly is the “leave it” command with food. He also knows the “eat” command when being given food. Most challenging for him is the “Stay” and “Wait” commands that he is working on perfectly, but not on a way more extended time. When it comes to a tug of war game which is his favorite: He knows well the “take it” and “drop it” command. However, I need to practice it more with him in an environment with distractions.
Time went on, and Yeti is now 6 months
Yeti is now 30 Pounds. His other toy is a Skunk stuffed animal that he likes. He is a tug-of-war player. Yeti is crazy when playing with a 3-year-old bulldog at the dog park which I started bringing him regularly.
Yeti got a girlfriend, Suki
DNA results came out
I so wanted to know what hides in the genes of Yeti. It came that Yeti is a Labrador-Bulldog-BullMastif-Malinois Mixed breed. There are other breeds that could not be picked up and he was classified as a Polydog as having multiple DNA.
Yeti now sleeps every night in his cage…
And love to watch DogTV