Fake profiles are raining over the Internet especially when it comes to Facebook social media. Since days, I’m receiving so many friend requests. Common, a guy receiving more than 230 friend requests !! I wonder if it’s because of the cyberstorm.mu worldwide popularity symptoms! Or the haters are going wild against me with this “Facebook Friend request spam mechanism”. LOL!
Whilst some may be genuine and others fake, it is very difficult to manage all these friend requests which consumes much time. It’s probably one of the reason I moved to Twitter and create my own Facebook page – Tunnelix.com. So, give a try and click on the like button on my Facebook page. You can still message me on my page as it is much more under my control. I’m also on Linkedin where you can easily connect with me.
So many Facebook friend requests..

However, I have gone through some profiles which is kinda weird. For example, let’s take a look at this friend request from one “Caroline Jane” who is apparently from New York and lives in United Kingdom. She is single too ^^.
Use images.google.com
I went on images.google.com and uploaded her profile picture there and made a search by image.
According to this simple research, she is a porn actress and her name is in fact Alina Li.
Now, you can use the same tool to check if your profile picture has been stolen and used in another profile picture. Share your comments if you have any ideas how to prevent Facebook friend requests flooding.