If you are thinking about the acronym “WTF” as usual in a chat conversation, then you are WRONG!.. 🙂 Located in the exoplanetary system, the WTF star – “Where’s the Flux” also known as KIC 8462852 or simply Tabby’s star is a strange star as a potential evidence of an ancient alien megastructure situated above the milky way between the Cygnus and Lyra constellations.

Thanks to the Kepler Project, Kepler, a space telescope is searching for exoplanets orbiting other stars in our galaxy. “NASA wants to find out if there is life beyond our solar system so Kepler is looking for planets like earth incise that could be potentially habitable” – Natalie Batalha, the research astronomer at NASA Ames Research center.

Have astronomers found alien life in space? This is indeed the most challenging mission to mankind after the discoveries made by the Kepler Project. “We are clueless as to what could cast the shadow bigger than Jupiter… Is it a comet? Is it an asteroid? Is it a media? and one by one we ruled out all the logical possibilities. That last possibility is that it is artificial. It could be a Dyson Sphere. A Dyson sphere is built by a civilization that can play with stars that envelop the entire star with a shell absorbing all the starlight “– Dr. Michio Kaku, Theoretical Physicist.
Indeed, a good job of the Kepler Space exploration team. Of course, if this is going to be a remarkable claim, a remarkable proof of the century is waiting for us ahead.