Track the Cyclonic weather with WindyTY

Wherever you are in the world you can easily track the cyclonic or any bad weather showing ahead. As we know that Mauritius is already been influenced by the cyclone Fantala, here is a little tool from which you can track the temperature, wind or even high waves in the world.

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Screenshot from 2016-04-15 19-46-49

The image is being broadcasted by after the latest updates from the satellite. There is also an Android app which you can download at the Google Play store. Some interesting features are the fixed map rendering and search query issues. You can also add a location to keep in touch with the weather of your area. More interesting is the weather forecast for weeks which is really helpful. 

Cool isn’t it? 🙂


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Nitin J Mutkawoa

Blogger at | Founding member of | An Aficionado Journey in Opensource & Linux – And now It's a NASDAQ touch!

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