Some times back, i posted two articles on MariaDB Master-Master replication and MariaDB Master-Slave replication. Well, after several requests from friends, i was asked to blog on MariaDB Galera Cluster. MariaDB Galera Cluster is a synchronous multi-master cluster for MariaDB. It is available on Linux only, and only supports the XtraDB/InnoDB storage engines (although there is experimental support for MyISAM. – You can easily download Galera Cluster using the Repository Configuration tool. There is also a slight difference between oldest version of MariaDB compared to that of the 10.1 series. Recently, a question was asked on ServerFault to which i clarified same. Check it out for more information. Lets now have some funs with MariaDB Galera Clustering.
I have created 3 CentOS7 virtual machines on Virtual Box. Lets called each Server as Galera1 [], Galera2 [] and Galera3[]. You need to edit the /etc/hosts file to allow each machine to ping each others via hostname. For testing purposes port 3306 which is by default listening on MySQL should be open. I have also disable SELinux and Firewalld as same are for testing purposes. Lets now install MariaDB Galera Cluster.
1.Edit the repository by using configuration as mentioned on the official MariaDB website.
# MariaDB 10.1 CentOS repository list - created 2015-11-08 17:34 UTC
name = MariaDB
baseurl =
2. Lets install some Pre-requisites and other interesting tools.
yum install rsync nmap lsof perl-DBI nc
3. Install MariaDB-server and start the Mariadb service
yum install MariaDB-server MariaDB-client MariaDB-compat galera socat jemalloc
service mysql start
4. Launch the mysql_secure_installation command to set up the username and password. At this point you can start MariaDB normally by using the mysql command and create a database.
5. After the normal procedure to set up the first database on galera1, you can create a database and dump it, then import the database on galera2 and galera3. You have now 3 independant databases on 3 different servers. I would adivce you to dump the whole database with the command
mysqldump --all-databases > db.sql
6. We will now start setting up the Galera clustering. On galera1, edit the /etc/my.cnf.d/server.cnf file on galera1 and configure it as follows. The server galera1 is the being setup as the first primary cluster. So every other cluster is going to be set up in the network that is galera2 and galera3 is going to replicate itself from galera1. Add the following parameter under the [galera] option.
# Mandatory settings
7. Once this is added, you can now start the first Galera cluster with the command. Make sure that the mysql service is stopped first. as at step5 we have started mysql to create a test database
service mysql start
8. You would noticed that the ports 3306 and 4567 should be listening
9. Now you would like to make galera2 joined the primary cluster i.e galera1. Simple set up the galera2 /etc/my.cnf.d/server.cnf file and under [galera] enter the following parameter. The only difference is the wsrep_node_name, wsrep_node_address and the gcomm value where you need to add the first cluster.
# Mandatory settings
10. Once mysql is started with the command service mysql start, you would noticed that galera2 is now on replicating from cluster1. You should noticed something similar to this on your log.
11. Repeat the same procedure for galera3 by tweaking the gcomm value and modifying the wsrep_node_address etc..
If you interested in having some more ideas about the MariaDB improved security features, do check out the following link where I attended a conference on MariaDB organized by the MSCC.
- If you are using the 10.0, you would need MariaDB-Galera-server package compared to 10.1 where you just need MariaDB-server.
- There are no longer separate MariaDB Galera Cluster releases for MariaDB 10.1 and above. Simply download MariaDB (10.1 or above) and configure your cluster as normal. MariaDB-10.1 is just ‘Galera ready’.
- If you are migrating from MariaDB-server to Galera make sure you have clean up all the residues belonging to the old versions. See
- The galera package will provide you the /usr/lib64/galera/ and several binaries for the cluster configuration. There are several cluster configuration under ws_rep see the documentation.
- The socat package establishes two birectional byte streams and transfers data between them.
- I would also recommend to disable SELinux on the machines.
- When you start the mysql service, you can tail the log at /var/log/messages otherwise you can set up mysql log.
- Use this command show status like ‘wsrep_%’; on your mysql prompt to understand the replication.
- To know how much node in the cluster use the following command show status like ‘wsrep_cluster_size’;