meetup on OpenSource Licensing with Dr Till Jaeger

Estimated read time 2 min read

It was a great opportunity to meet with Dr. Till Jaeger, Attorney at Law on cybersecurity, laws, trademarks and opensource licensing on Tuesday the 02nd of October 2018 at Flying Dodo, Bagatelle Mall. The event was announced on the official community Facebook group by Logan days back. Those present for the meetup was Loganaden Velvindron, Jagveer Loky, Rahul Golam, Kifah Meeran, Veegish Ramdani, Jeremie Daniel and myself from the team.

Who is Dr. Till Jaeger? – Till Jaeger has been a partner at JBB Rechtsanwälte since 2001. He advises large and medium-sized IT businesses as well as government authorities and software developers on matters involving contracts, licensing and online use. Till Jaeger also covers conventional areas of copyright law and entertainment law, advising corporate clients on matters relating to open content, web design and photography. – Source: JBB.DE

I should admit that it was really an informal meeting over some beers, juice, Dame-Blanche, and Pizzas with Dr. Till Jaeger. It was very fruitful and amazing to the team. We received lots of advice for ourselves as well as for the team. Some days back, the National Computer Board conducted a workshop on Opensource licensing which where Dr. Till Jaeger was the main resource person to deliver this workshop. Thanks to the National Computer Board for making this event a success. members were also invited to the event.

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We have also welcomed Rahul Golam for joining team and looking forward to work together. I seized this opportunity to announce that is proud to announce it’s the official logo. Thanks to the hard work of the team.

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Nitin J Mutkawoa

Blogger at | Founding member of | An Aficionado Journey in Opensource & Linux – And now It's a NASDAQ touch!

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