MeetUps and Presentations

Africa Internet Summit 2018 – My first day in Dakar Senegal – Day 0

Estimated read time 3 min read

Dakar offers much to see and do, but my goal this trip lies elsewhere: facilitating the #AISdakar 2018 NTP – Network Time Protocol hackathon under the banner of which has been planned days back at Radisson Blu hotel. Network Time [Read More…]

MeetUps and Presentations

IETF 101 Hackathon by the team

Estimated read time 3 min read

“We believe in rough consensus and running code” – Just have a look at the IETF website, this is the motto that you would come across. This is why the IETF hackathons are so special during the year and team is [Read More…]

MeetUps and Presentations

IT and Internet Users of Dodoland by

Since the split of the Linux community in Mauritius, (name rebranded due to trademark issues) was born. A new vision and objectives were the foundation of the group. Our aim is to reach more people who will code in [Read More…]

Linux Application MeetUps and Presentations Security

IETF 100 hackathon on TLS 1.3 by

Some days back, The Register mentioned (name rebranded due to trademark issues) preparing for IETF100 hackathon. Hooray! Yeah, we did it and the hard work finally paid off thanks to the core team and the whole of team. [Read More…]

MeetUps and Presentations Networking and Hardware Security VideoStream #2 : Modem Insecurity in Mauritius

Some days back, the (Name rebranded due to trademark issue) team made our first video stream on Youtube about Modem Insecurity in Mauritius. We received several feedbacks from the public, friends and local media about the issue raised. Upon further [Read More…]