“We believe in rough consensus and running code” – Just have a look at the IETF website, this is the motto that you would come across. This is why the IETF hackathons are so special during the year and cyberstorm.mu team is proud to be the first team in Mauritius who do not only participate in such type of event but also lead the TLS working group. The IETF 101 hackathon was yet another challenge for the cyberstorm.mu team. But, once you are in, the fun begins. Compared to the IETF 100 hackathon, cyberstorm.mu team made an improvement in terms of lines of codes and focused on more projects. We participated remotely in projects such as TLS 1.3, DNS, and HTTP 451. A wiki was also created during that event.

We used Jabber to communicate for the IETF 101 hackathon. Other media such as Facebook was found out to be interesting. I should admit that on Friday and Saturday I went to sleep at 02.00 AM with just the testing part completed. At 23:00 hrs, Logan was asking everyone to go to sleep as we needed more energy on the next day. What is more relieving is the team spirit where everyone was helping each other during that hackathon.
One of the interesting issues noticed is about TLS malformed traffic and such thing was able to be detected using Wireshark. Once the patches were ready and the testing part was working fine, we made a debrief at Flying Dodo beer brewing company at Bagatelle Mall and was ready to submit patches to their respective projects. I was assigned the “Stunnel” project and a library in “Eclipse Paho”.

After the debriefing, Logan was getting ready for his remote presentation at the IETF. We all went through the slides that logan created and went back home happy to see the presentation live on YouTube.
Special thanks go to the IETF Organising team for having us as Technology Champions! Nick Sullivan head of cryptography expert at CloudFlare, Charles Eckel, Barry Leiba, Meetecho team, Cisco for sponsoring the event and all members of the cyberstorm.mu team which made this hackathon a success in the world history of Mauritius.
Other’s are also talking about the IETF 101 hackathon?
“I had initially started a bit slow, as I was working on other projects in parallel. Everyone was already deeply immersed in their projects, we could see PRs and code merges flying right from the first day.” – Codarren Velvindron
“Developers working with OpenSSL can finally start to work with TLS 1.3, thanks to the alpha version of OpenSSL 1.1.1 that landed yesterday.” – TheRegister
“I think that you guys have better weather and more fun that we did” – Charles Eckel
“The DNS madness: 185 RFCs totaling 2781 pages. Hello DNS security flaws ” – Loganaden Velvindron
“IETF Hackathons encourage developers to collaborate and develop utilities, ideas, sample code and solutions that show practical implementations of IETF standards. The IETF Hackathon in London on 17-18 March is poised to be the largest ever.” – IETF
In case you are asking yourself, “who are the cyberstorm.mu ?” You can consider is as “a group of developers from Mauritius who loves to code and are passionate about information security.” More information at https://www.cyberstorm.mu