MeetUps and Presentations

Infotech Mauritius 2018 at National Computer Board stand

Estimated read time 2 min read

I thank the guys of the National Computer Board who welcomed me, Logan and Codarren on their stand at the Infotech 2018. For those who are not acquainted with the Infotech [in 2023, I noticed infotech has been rebranded as innovtech] [Read More…]


Pervasive Monitoring and Security in Africa

If you think about the number of attacks on the rise in the world, statistics and figures would prove you all. For example, if you think about preventing attacks such as Man-in-the-Middle attacks, guidance in implementing the right TLS Protocol, [Read More…]

Uncategorized AKA Non-Tech-Stuffs

A trip to a Wind Farm at Plaine Des Roches

Estimated read time 2 min read

This Sunday the 16th of April, I came across an interesting location in the North-East at Plaine Des Roches, Mauritius where electricity is produced through Wind Farms. The company is Quadran [2023 renamed quair ]which has invested in this environmental [Read More…]

Uncategorized AKA Non-Tech-Stuffs

Adventuring with Pro photomakers of Charles Telfair Institute

“The word ‘photo’ is derived from the Greek word ‘photos’. Adventuring in the world of photons is simply amazing” – Yush of EYELIGHT Studios (main wedding photographer}, a student of CTI and BCS, the chartered institute for IT. The photography world is [Read More…]