Africa Internet Summit 2018 – Hackathon – Day 2 & 3

Estimated read time 2 min read

Back to blogging after some days, I still recalled the moments in Dakar, Senegal for the Africa Internet Summit. By the time, so many days already elapsed, many have already blogged about the event and more pictures raining on the social media. Our camera, tripod, and laptops were all ready. In case, you have missed Day 0 and Day 1, feel free to click on the links.

On day 2, myself with Logan and Serge made a brief introduction of the Network Time Protocol. Serge explained about the TCPDump and Wireshark tools that we can use to understand NTP traffic. We also made some demo about the NTP packets exchange between the client and the server. The algorithm behind was made clear, brief and concise as without which the hacking part would be difficult. Participants chose their projects for the hackathon. Some registered themselves for the Network Programmability track and the Intelligent Transportation Systems Projects. At the end of the day 2 we were already convinced about the hackathon would be a success. Myself, Logan and Charles decided to have a beer at a nearby restaurant.

Day 3 was the moment where everyone looked forward to hack into the code. The team spirit was here. Everyone was helping each other in their ‘parcours’. For the NTP hackathon, more and more participants start joining the team. Additional chairs and tables were needed. The best idea was to form into groups and this is where things change for the good. Patches start raining. Several tests were also carried out to confirm the code was running.

At the end of the hackathon, each group went to present their project and achievements. Their presentation slides can be viewed on the AIS wiki.

Some interesting links:

    • More information about the NTP hackathon is already uploaded on the AIS wiki.
    • The meeting statistics and report can be viewed here.
    • There is also a blog coverage by Charles from CISCO.
    • Dawit Bekele speech at the African Internet Summit 2019.

More and more pictures:

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A big thank to the organisers and sponsors for doing a great job. Also congratulations to the participants for stepping ahead in the hackathon. Looking forward to see you soon in the growth and security of Internet in Africa.

Nitin J Mutkawoa

Blogger at | Founding member of | An Aficionado Journey in Opensource & Linux – And now It's a NASDAQ touch!

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